
Friday, August 16, 2019

Send Noah and the Ark!!

So we got a humdinger of a thunderstorm last night...and let me tell you, that's an intense experience in the dome, LOL!!  I was up a couple times checking for leaks, and putting towels over the windows (installing something to keep the rain out when the screen windows are installed definitely needs to be a priority...).  

When I got up and went to bring the goats their morning snack of grain, this is what I saw:

It's a little hard to see...but there's a MASSIVE, 3-5 inch deep puddle all in front of their pen.  It goes into the front of the pen, too, though it looks like the back corner stayed dry.  

My first thought was that I really need to invest in a good pair of rubber boots!!

Then I started trying to think how to address this issue.  I see two options:

1. Move the goat pen to approximately where I was standing when I took this photo, as that spot is about 2 feet higher than the current location of the pen.

2. Cart over a whole bunch of dirt (which is readily available at the moment, as things were just excavated), and build up the floor inside and outside the pen, with a slope so that water drains away.  

Another possibility would be to decide if I want to start building a more permanent goat shed and try to get the goats moved into that soon-ish...but that would likely mean going further into debt, which I'd like to avoid if I can help it.  If anyone hears of a free 8x12 shed , and knows someone who can move it for cheap, please let me know...that would make a very nice little goat house!  :)  

Anyway, happy Friday, everyone!  

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