
Monday, July 8, 2019

Slow but Steady...

I got a bit of work done today...not as much as I'd hoped, but let me tell you - that dome gets toasty inside!!  I would work for a bit, then go sit outside in the shade for a bit.  I'm looking into getting a shade net for the dome, or a solar-powered fan, or possibly both, lol!  I got some flooring down, though.  It's a bit of a puzzle...I labeled the pieces when we took them up, but I may have messed up at some point, because things stopped fitting together at about row 21, lol.

I also took a quick walk to see how wet the ground was in various places.  It's dried up in the four acres, but there's still standing water in at least one place in the outer 13.95 acres.  Someday I'd like to try to figure out if there's a spring anywhere out there.

I found some blueberry bushes, and looks like the berries will be ripe soon...I'll have to try to remember to snag some before the animals get them all.

These are low-bush blueberries, common in this area...usually less than a foot tall.

One bummer - I spotted many clusters of a flower that I'm pretty sure I remember as being toxic to once I get goats, I'll need to walk around before I set up their electric fencing and pull the plants out.  I'll have to find my wildflower book so I can remember what the name of the flower is:

The can see the dome over on the left!!  :D  Eventually, I'll be taking down most of the trees you see straight ahead and on the left.  I'll leave a few to shade various pastures.  And the ones on the right are staying because a) they're HUGE, and b) they're between me and my neighbors.

Spotted a turkey feather.  It was probably about a foot long!

I also cleaned the shavings out of the chicken coop, which resulted in lots of squawking and fluttering, lol.  The chicks and I will be very happy when I get their outdoor enclosure built!  Here are a few shots of my new favorite photographic subjects:

Look who's trying out the roost - Miss Floofle!!

I've started calling this one Buffy:

Big Blue:

And my new favorite photo...this one's name is Speedy:

Happy Monday!!!

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