
Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mystery Plant Identified: St. John's Wort

So I posted my mystery flower from yesterday on a Facebook "ID This" group, and it turns out it's St. John's Wort!  This is a plant long used for medicinal purposes for people, but it's not good for cattle, horses, sheep, and goats.  Thankfully, they won't typically eat it unless there's nothing else to eat, but if they do happen to eat it for 4-5 days in a row, they will get a buildup of toxicity.  This results in extreme photosensitivity, which means that they'll be prone to really bad sunburns - in some cases, so bad that layers of skin can slough off.

So...I'm glad I spent an hour last night pulling this stuff up from the goat pasture!!

In other news, I finally remembered to snag a couple photos of the firewood I've been given...apparently there's another load this size still at my Aunt and Uncle's place that I'll need to go get.  I should be nice and toasty this winter!  ❤

And some randomness from my chicken visit this evening...I'm learning that when it starts to get dark, the chicks would very much like to roost somewhere up high...and I happen to be one of the tallest things in the coop.  So a couple times now, I've had a chick suddenly fly at me.  One sat on my arm for a minute last week, and tonight, Speedy spent a couple minutes perched on my shoulder.  :D 

I enjoyed the visit, though I'm glad I didn't get pooped on.  :P

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Happy Wednesday!!

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