
Monday, June 3, 2019

Some Confabbing and a Nice Gift

My parents got home from a looooooong anniversary trip yesterday.  It was awesome to see them again, and hear about all the cool things they saw - they drove all the way out to the west coast and back!  

You can imagine how tired they must be, so it was very nice of Dad to come out this morning and take a look at the progress on the dome site.  We spent quite a while figuring out what we should do next...and we're still not 100% settled.  There are a couple different configurations we could do to set up the platform for the dome raising, and we're not sure which one is the best.  Stay tuned, lol!  :P

We also stopped to collect a very nice gift from my friend Judy - she's moving, and had a bunch of cinder blocks in her back yard that she wasn't going to use, so she let me have them!  There was some pressure-treated wood that she let us take away,'s a little rough, but will come in super handy for building a shed or a chicken coop.  :)  

Thanks, Judy!!

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