
Monday, February 25, 2019

A Low-Key Day

I had a pretty relaxed day today, but the dogs and I did get out to my land for just a few minutes because I wanted to retrieve the trail cam and loan it to a friend.  The snow was thick and heavy, so it was a good workout.  

The dogs enjoyed themselves.  Last week was a very busy week at work, so the dogs didn't get a ton of exercise.

Lol, in the above photo, Thane is in one of the holes the gray water guy dug.  

Can you spot Dad's Toyota Rav-4 below?  That's how high the snowbanks are along the road.

Standing on top of the bank looking down...  (By the way, it's an interesting experience trying to walk down a snowbank in snowshoes!!)

 I got a draw knife in the mail today.  It can be used to strip bark off trees.  

This will come in very handy if I decide to build a cordwood house.  I'll have to do a post on that building style soon.  I'm still in the early stages of researching it, but it sounds like an intriguing way to use the hordes of small softwood trees on my lot.  

Lol, I have a LOT of small trees that need to come down!  

Happy Monday!!  :)  

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