
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Gearing Up

I'm still hoping to move into the dome sometime this spring.  I spoke with a company today that can help install a gray water system, and it sounds like the expense isn't going to be as bad as I necessarily thought, though I really had very little idea of what to expect.  

So that was encouraging.  :) 

I also visited the local thrift store and bought some dinnerware, a few utensils, and a really nifty strainer...I'm gradually collecting all the stuff that I'll need for the big move, and packing away most of my decorative stuff to save for when I have a real house in a few years.

The dogs and I played Frisbee for a few minutes this afternoon.  I felt bad for them because the snow is so deep that it was really tough for them to run, but they didn't seem to mind too much.  Here's my favorite picture of the two crazies:

Lol, Thane is such a goof...he lets Thea do the hard work of chasing and catching the Frisbee, then pounces on her when she's on the way back to me, and tries to wrestle the Frisbee from her.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a delightful Tuesday!  :)  

1 comment:

  1. Lol, Thane's mouth looks so funny in this one =P
