
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Circle is Complete...

Yay!  I got the circle done today!!  :D  Well, just about done, anyway...there are two or three itty-bitty spots that are a weird shape that I'll let Dad fill in, lol.  

God graciously held off the rain until I was just about done...once it started sprinkling steadily, I hustled to get this covered so the water wouldn't get in the cracks and ruin the insulation.  Then, I went to work on the well...and guess what?  That's done too!  :D  I whacked it down another foot or two today, so now it's driven about 14-15 feet deep.  I primed the pump, and it took a looooooooooooong time to get water.  Just when I was about to give up, the water suddenly started coming out!!  :D

It's pretty silty, so we'll see if it runs clear eventually...if it doesn't, it will still come in handy for washing dishes, etc.  I don't know if I can use it for animals.  I would think that I could - after all, they often drink pond and creek water, and that must have some silt in it, right??

I do need to have the water tested, though.  Anyone local know where I can take a sample?

This was a bonus day off from work, so I didn't want to squander it, so after THAT, I got out the chainsaw and did some clearing over where I might put a fenced area for the dogs.  I didn't realize it at first, but I eventually noticed that I was clearing a corridor over to my little field, and that it looked really neat - almost like a pathway to a different world.

I probably won't be able to keep this effect, as most of the trees to the right and left will be coming down too, but I thought that was kind of neat.  :)  

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