
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

More Preparations

So Dad and I decided that while we're figuring out what to do next as far as preparing to set the dome back up, I might as well start getting ready for the arrival of my chickens.  

That's right - I'm getting a dozen Icelandic chicks at the end of this month!!  :D  

Besides providing eggs and meat eventually, I'm hoping that, over time, they'll significantly reduce the population of ticks and other bugs on my land.  

Sadly, it'll be a few weeks before I can spam you guys with chicken photos, so in the meantime, here's a before and after of the clearing that I did.


And after.  The coop will go in the cleared area back between the two blue tarps.

I'm excited!!  :D

1 comment:

  1. *looks up pictures of Icelandic chickens* Cool variety. I hope you get at least one speckled one =)
