
Saturday, June 29, 2019

A Setback, Some Heroics, and Poultry Accessories

So we had a fairly significant setback the other day...water got under/into the circle and ruined a bunch of the insulation.  :(  Dad went out there on Thursday and discovered the problem.  He spent a good chunk of time taking off the plywood and pulling out the wet insulation so that the platform could dry.  Lol, kind of looks like a bomb went off, huh?

Yesterday, he and I did a bit of cleanup in the morning, and then spent an hour putting down some roofing membrane to keep out moisture in the future:

We'll cover the membrane with decking boards at some point.

Then, for the remainder of yesterday, Dad put in a heroic effort making sure that the circle was well sealed.  He re-did the insulation, using some new rolls, as well as some of the old pieces that were salvageable, and he put most of the plywood back down.  Then he went out and bought a huge sheet of plastic to cover everything so that it wouldn't get wet again.  I figure that he ended up putting in a 12-hour day of HARD labor - thank you,'re my hero!!!!  ❤❤❤

Here's how it looked when I stopped by for a few minutes this morning:

So now, thanks to Dad, I think that we're back to being almost ready to reassemble the dome!!

I just had a few minutes today, so I started on a dog fence:

And picked up some chicken supplies!!  :D  The silver thing holds water, and the red thing holds feed.  

Monday will be an all-day work day preparing the chicken coop, building a chicken enclosure, and extending more of the dog fence.  I want the dog fence to go all the way around the chicken enclosure to help with predator control.  Lol, please pray that I can teach the dogs that the chickens are not squeaky toys!!  ;P 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see your progress, despite the setback. Your father is a champ!
