
Friday, June 16, 2023

A Very Special Day and a Turtle

 My youngest brother got married today, and it was an awesome, incredibly special day. They're an adorable couple, and it was very clear that God worked to bring them together. 💖 

I personally don't have pictures of them to share, but when they get them back from the photographer, I can ask if they would like me to post a few on my Facebook page for those who know my brother.

So instead, here are some pictures of a snapping turtle who was crossing my property today, presumably on her way to lay eggs. She came by at almost the same time last year too - I can tell she's the same one because the top of her shell has old damage. Her shell is probably 8-10 inches across and 12-14" long. I've been told they can live up to 50 years.

I hope everyone had a great Friday! Congratulations to Timothy and Karlie!! 💗

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