
Friday, December 3, 2021

Bovine Shenanigans

 I know that by the calendar, winter technically doesn't start for another couple of weeks, but it has definitely arrived in Maine! We got our first snow yesterday, and today is cold and very windy. 

I decided to walk down to the creek for Homer's water today - it's been a little while since I've been down there, and it's fun to see the changes in the forest with snow on the ground. 

On the way, I spotted some deer tracks. I'm pretty sure the tracks were from a buck. The tracks continued across the creek, but I filled my buckets and started back. 

As I crossed the edge of the field, I saw tracks similar to deer tracks, but much, MUCH larger. 

I said, "Wait a minute... those look like Homer's hoofprints. But Homer is tethered!"

I continued on to Homer's pen, and sure enough, there was the end of the rope, still tied to the pen, but with no calf attached. That explained the distant barking I had heard while I was down by the creek - Thane and Breeze don't approve of Homer's escapades.

It wasn't hard to find Homer - he usually sticks pretty close to home if he gets out, and he has a bell on his collar. He was lurking behind the chicken coop, wearing a very innocent expression. I grabbed the length of rope that was tied to his collar (his tether is two ropes tied together) and walked him aaalll the way back to his pen, way over on the other side of the house and dog yard. He usually manages to squeeze a few shenanigans into a walk, and today was no exception, but I got him there eventually and tied him back up. 

And then I went and got him a pumpkin, because he likes pumpkins and because I'm nice. :P 

This picture is from before there was snow, but here is Homer enjoying a pumpkin. 😊

Happy Friday!!!

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