
Monday, April 22, 2019

No More Sledding...

Well....the snow is gone.  (Mostly.)

I arrived on my property today with 16 bags of stone for my gray water system (yes, it would be cheaper to have a dump truck deliver a yard, but I despise shoveling stone!!), planning on pulling it out to the dome site on my trusty sled.  

But we've had some glorious weather lately, and the 12+ inches of snow that was on the ground a week ago are almost completely gone now!  This is exciting, though, because it means that it's almost time to move the dome!!  :D  :D  :D 

For comparison, this shot was taken from almost the same viewpoint one week ago:

Anyway, I wandered around for a bit...I don't mean anything hokey by this, but I somehow feel more connected to the land when I can walk on the dirt instead of the snow.  

One of a few rock piles on the property.  Maybe someday I'll collect them all and build a decorative stone wall.

The clearing.  LOL, good thing I decided not to put my dome there!  ;)  

Lots of deer, where were all the deer when I had my trail cam up??  

I got distracted by my natural fence, and worked on that for a bit, then lugged my 16 bags of stone back to the dome site.  I'm working on getting the muscles I'll need for my homestead, LOL!

A couple fun stories from lugging the time, I tried wrapping a piece of rope around one of the bags and wearing it like a lasted for about 10 glorious steps before the bag slithered free of the rope and plopped to the ground.  Ah well.  Sometimes it's better just to do the tedious work than to try to get creative! 

Another time, I was carrying a bag up on my started to slide backwards, but by quickly leaning forward, I caught it in the small of my back.  So what else was there to do but give that bag a piggy-back ride for the rest of its journey?  ;P the following photo, I'm standing about where the gray water system is going to go.  The dome could go in any of the three locations marked on the photo, or over to the left on a little rise (pending a reply from the gray water guy telling me how far away the dome can be from the drainage area). 

After much discussion with Dad this afternoon, we're leaning toward site one or site 4.  Site 3 kind of makes me's just sort of cheerful...but it's also the closest to the neighbors.  But I'll keep you guys posted, lol.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Resurrection Sunday yesterday, and an awesome Monday!  

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