I had a pretty laid-back day today. The only large-ish project I accomplished was mowing the back yard. For the record, I still wish that I could apply for a variance with the town regarding keeping livestock. A couple pet sheep would make excellent use of the grass in this space:
![Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, grass, outdoor and nature](https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/33199779_1675125962522740_912532099150381056_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=848bd912663d07cbfc7a4cdcf85161c4&oe=5B82CCD6)
It's hard to tell from this angle, but it grows pretty lush. Oh well. I'm guessing the town would say no, and even if they didn't, keeping sheep in the middle of town would probably not be a very nice, neighborly kind of thing to do. :P
Oh, I did also start a fun project today, but it's not done yet, so I'll have to tell you tomorrow how it went. Here's a clue, though...the project involves these:
I had my big camera outside with me in the morning, and I kept kneeling and even lying down to get just the right angle for a photo....my parents' house is on a busy road, so I was wondering what all the people driving by thought about the weird person flopped on her stomach in the yard with a camera! :P
Bee warned! The next photo contains a Bumblebee (or a Humblebee, as my four-year-old niece calls them). This means you, Bekah - scroll fast past this photo! :D
The Lilies of the Valley are slowly making a comeback...there used to be a big colony of them along the road, but the town wiped them out when they put in a new sidewalk several years ago (they ripped out a big bank of wild roses, too). I guess they didn't kill all of the Lilies of the Valley, though!
The Creeping Phlox is in its prime. Lol, we've always joked that that sounds more like a disease than a plant. :P
Back to work tomorrow. The busy season is approaching fast. Lol, it seems to come back around faster every year!
Anyway...good night, and happy Tuesday, everyone!
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