Time is flying - Thea is almost four months old already!!

She remains very spunky, energetic and adventurous at home, though she's quite shy with strangers, and I need to work on socialization more. Total opposite of Thane. :P

She and Thane continue to be best buddies, playing almost constantly. He's very gentle with her...especially considering that she is really NOT very gentle with him, lol. :P I keep waiting for her "puppy license" to expire. I probably ought to expose her to a couple adult dogs who will let her know that it's actually not okay for her to be jumping all over them.

Thea has begun joining Thane and me on our morning walks. She does her best to keep up with him; he occasionally takes advantage of his longer legs to play "keep away" with her.

She's an adventurous soul, challenging fencing and barriers like Thane never did...that lattice above the railing is because we had serious concerns that Thea would climb over the edge. Just today, I was out in my skirt and Sunday coat dragging wood pieces around to block off a section of temporary fencing (long story) that would doubtless have kept Thane in with no problem...but that Thea was already working her way around.

I can see promise that she will be a nice, calm dog as an adult, though. I brought her along to a friend's house for lunch today, and even though she was a little unsettled about being in a new place, she stuck near me, and relaxed and took a few catnaps here and there.

She likes to snuggle a bit here and there too, which is nice...Thane's not opposed to a good itching, but he's not really much of a snuggler.

Anyway, Thea continues to settle in, and I'm highly optimistic that she'll be every bit as good a dog as I dreamed of when I got on the waiting list for a puppy from her mother well over a year ago.
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