I tried another batch of shower bombs today, using more essential oil than the last time...I'll use one tomorrow and let you know if it's any more fragrant. :P

I just used Grapefruit essential oil for this batch. The smell reminds me of a kind of Grapefruit soda my Dad likes.

I went to lunch with friends and tried Thai for the first time...that felt very adventurous. :P The dogs needed some exercise when I got home, so we went to the woods. It was only Thea's third time there, and it was very cute to see her trying to keep up with Thane...sniffing what he sniffed...trailing along behind as best as she could.

I'm glad she's still at the age where she needs to crash for a nap after a short outing like this! Lol, and I think Thane is glad too. He loves Thea, but he also appreciates a few minutes' break. ;P

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