
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Freedom!! (Well, Kind Of...)

So today I hustled to finish getting the chicken wire up on the sides of the pen (the roof still needs a bit more) because I really needed to clean out the coop, and that's a million times easier if the chicks aren't IN the coop, lol.  So I got that done...and opened the door wide....and waited to see what the chicks would do.

I kind of expected a mad rush, but nope.  They had to think about it for a little while.  :P

Well, all except for Little Miss Floofle, who hopped right out, LOL!  She certainly has no fear, which isn't necessarily an ideal trait for a chicken.  It definitely gives her a lot of personality, though!!  :P

After lots of fluttering back and forth, the chicks eventually decided that they liked being outside, and I was able to clean the coop and put down fresh shavings.  Then I locked them back inside their coop, because their pen is definitely not predator proof!!  So they just got a few minutes of relative freedom, but it was fun to watch them explore.  :)

Dad and I also shuffled a few things around in the dome, trying out a potential kitchen layout.  What do you think?  :)  (Obviously, the stove will need to go up on a box or small cabinet.)

Happy Thursday!  :)


  1. Lol, that first picture: Suspicious chickens are suspicious.

  2. I saw on HGTV a yurt being designed by different designers...
    they all used wall partitions that spanned part of the center, so they could us the center and sides as straight edges to form backgrounds for utilities and furniture. Some were even on wheels so they could turn it around to change views for closets, and was so cool.
