
Sunday, September 30, 2018

Your (Ir)regular Installment of Canine Shenanigans

It's becoming tradition to sit out in the yard with the dogs for a little while after their Sunday afternoon nap.  We'll see how much longer that's been getting cooler - yay!  I love the crisp, cool autumn temperatures.  :)  

Thea is 11 months old now.  She's definitely maturing into a very nice little dog, though I need to work with her on a few things - not her fault, just stuff I need to be more consistent about.

Thane likes to sit literally ON me, or right next to me when I'm sitting on the grass, so it's hard to get good pictures of him.  I managed a couple of close-ups today, lol.  

Thea is currently obsessed with this ball.  She's been carrying it around for a few days, and it's held up surprisingly well to her chewing on it.  She LOVES to chase it, and brings it to me or Mom over and over and over for us to throw it for her.  I got a few fun shots of her chasing it, though it's entertaining to throw a ball and then try to swing the camera up into position for a shot in time to catch the action.  :P

Lol, in the picture below, she's waiting for me to throw the ball.  (Ignore the white fuzzies in the yard...they're from a stuffed animal that she dissected.  I have a deal with the dogs - I rake the yard, and then they scatter toys, fuzzies, and sticks back across it...)

Here's one of Thane, doing what I call "soft ears."  He's so cute.  <3  He does this a lot, but it's surprisingly hard to get a good picture of it.

And one last one of my pretty girl.  Lol, I hope all the dog pictures don't bore people...the whole farm thing is taking a while, but the plan is to eventually also be spamming you guys with photos of goats, sheep, chickens, farm projects, etc.  :P  

1 comment:

  1. You got a picture of his "I love you" ears! Also, you should've not mentioned the white fluffs to see if people would have noticed or come up with an explanation themselves =P
