Wow, I can't believe that it's almost the end of summer already! Work is crazy busy for another couple weeks, then all the kids everywhere go back to school, and life will slow down just a bit again.
I don't think I'll get my little house built this year, lol - not enough "year" left!
Oh well...I've hit a couple major milestones in my 30th year of life - buying land, for one, and also starting up a small business.
After another experimental batch of lotion...and then ordering a ridiculously large amount of bulk supplies...I finally printed up a wholesale sheet and showed it to my boss at work....and he promptly ordered a dozen bottles of each scent!!
So now I've got to get to work! Not only do I need to make 120 bottles of lotion, but I also need to come up with a label that's both cute and practical. Lol, well, I do seem to work best under pressure, so here goes! :P

I've also completed two pet portraits, which was both thrilling and terrifying. Here's sweet little Nomie:
And Kirk and Kaynine:
And here's one that I did as a practice round - our own cat, Shamgar:
If you know of anyone looking for a small pet portrait, feel free to refer them to my Etsy shop! :)
I guess that's most of the big news....I mostly just feel like I'm in limbo these days, especially with house stuff. I know there are people praying for me, and I greatly appreciate that - I can use all the wisdom from God that I can get! I'm debating whether I should just sit tight for the winter, saving as much money as possible, and start building next year, or if I want to try to get a loan and toss up a simple little cabin before winter, and kind of rough it for a while. There are some pretty major pros and cons both ways. My common sense is saying I should probably wait a year, while my impatient side is envisioning being tucked into my cozy little cabin while the snow falls - LOL!
Thanks to those who read this, and those who listen to me ramble on...I greatly appreciate the support.
In close, here are a few photos of my land from the other day. I hadn't been out there in way too long; it was quite refreshing to get out in God's creation...and it was extra special knowing that it was on MY land. <3
Happy Sunday, everyone!!
Puh-ray-zuh Gawwd
ReplyDeletethose rascally dogs
dont have ticks!!!
God bless your indelible soul.