So I talked with a contractor friend yesterday, and it sounds like I might need to save for a little while before trying to take out a construction loan. Discouraging, but good to have a realistic view.
In other news, I went out yesterday afternoon after church because I had a hankering to get a few shots of the dogs with the big camera...and ended up taking nearly 200. Lol...
I won't inflict you with ALL of those, but here are a few shots. Thane is somewhere around 20 months old, and Thea is a little over 5 months. Please don't be alarmed by the amount of teeth you see - they play loud and hard, but don't draw blood, lol. :P
Acrobatics! |
Disputing the ownership of the stick. |
This could be a study in dog body language! |
I love the look of mischief in Thane's eyes here. |
She's able to keep up much better than she used to be. |
Run, Thane! She's right behind you! :P |
Thane laid down several times while they were playing, which I believe is an indicator that they have a healthy play relationship. |
Tongue curl! <3 |
Lying down again. |
My brave guard one can sneak up on our house! |
More acrobatics. |
Thea's attempt at a majestic post. Not bad for such a cutie! |
Tired puppy, lol. |
Thane found a stick. |
Thane does "majestic" a little better than Thea...she's still too cute. :P |
She is getting there, though. :P |
I like this shot for some reason. |
My favorite shot of the afternoon. <3 |
I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter yesterday!
I like the way Thea's ears are defying gravity in the shot where they're running over the snowpile =)