Dad and I went and tramped around on my land again today. We finally made it to the corner we hadn't visited yet...and found some people hunting rabbits with Beagles! We didn't see the dogs, but we could hear them, baying in the trees. That was interesting. I don't mind people hunting on my property - they had no way of knowing it had sold - but I will have to make a plan for when I have dogs and livestock on the property. I like the idea of a perimeter fence, but that would either be a lot of money or a lot of work, so I may have to settle for smaller interior fences.

Dad and I are working on identifying the tree species on the lot. We saw some Red Oak leaves, and I brought this Maple leaf home to identify. After looking at photos, I think it might just be a Sugar Maple, which would be nice - tapping trees is fun. :)
I think these might be Bobcat tracks.
In other, non-land-related news, I've broken out the sketch pad for the first time in years. I bought a light box, and tried it out's nice. I can trace the outline of something to make sure the proportions are correct, and then fill in the details with my trusty fountain pen. I don't claim to be a phenomenal artist, but I'm having fun. :)

I'm working on a Collie are a couple things I've drawn:

Here's today's drawing:

Lol, fluffy guy, isn't he? I'll take Thane's low-maintenance coat any day! :P

Thea's 18 weeks old already. Her adult teeth and coat are coming in - you can see the different texture of fur along her spine:

Anyway, time for bed for me...I hope everyone is having a great start to their week! :)

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