It was a gorgeous day today. I took my youngest brother Timothy out to see my land. There's still enough snow on the ground that we used snowshoes - even though it was warm enough that we had to take off our jackets eventually.
All these pictures are from my phone, because my big camera is having issues. :(
More beaver activity, though I haven't seen any evidence that they're still on the property - no freshly cut trees.

Here's part of the little creek that cuts across one corner of the lot:

It even has an itty-bitty waterfall. <3

There are a couple distinct deer paths through parts of the lot...we found both tracks...

....and, uh, other evidence...

One entertaining thing....Timothy, being the techy guy that he is, used Google maps on his phone to set a "pin" at each corner that we found. We're not totally certain about the upper left corner, as we never did find the capped rebar that was supposed to be set, but I thought this was pretty cool (and matched my paper map pretty well, thank goodness)!
Oh, and the bottom pin in the upper left hand corner marks the little waterfall in the photos above.
I actually finally worked out a floor plan I'm pretty happy with, so now I need to figure out what the next step is...I'm eager to be actually living on my property at some point, instead of just occasionally visiting it. :P I suppose it's probably good for me to practice patience, though...sigh.
Anyway, I hope everyone has had a nice first week of Spring! :)